美国职场:如何给同事写Peer Review🤔

美国职场:如何给同事写Peer Review🤔

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每年年中年底给同事写peer review,都发现自己笔尖如此枯竭,拼命用小学生记叙文罗列对方做的事迹,辞藻华丽更别说了。不过我发现了一个好地方,就是linkedin recommendations!今天想跟大家一起赏析一个我前同事的,我第一次看到就收藏了这段flowery的表达。原来英语和汉语一样,也有文采一说。


1. 形容generally有能力
-His follow-through is strong and he demonstrated the ability to juggle multiple objectives and initiatives with very different demands and timelines.(超好用!
-He engineered its resurgence through …(这个表达好厉害,精心设计了产品的复兴
2. 形容fast learner
-He demonstrated marked improvement in his understanding over the course of the x months that we worked together
-He is eager to learn and master new areas and did so in a completely trustworthy and transparent manner.
3 形容事少但出活
-I was impressed by his ability get results in a low-key and easy-to-work with manner. He is quiet and thoughtful but drove good results with minimal fuss and maximum efficiency.
4 形容有潜力
-But few, if any, have shown the potential and horse power I have seen in xx
- grow towards his sky high potential


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